
Water Animals

Workshop by Manuel Moranta "You write or you draw"

In Greek, the verb “gráphein” means “write” and “draw” at the same time. For the Chinese, the term “sho du alude” alludes equally to calligraphy and painting. In this workshop, you will learn to represent a concept that ties in the same playing field—image and word, text and figure, sign and legend—in order to create a personal work based on the chosen topic. 


The objective of this workshop, celebrated in June 2023, was to learn to work with the power of designation of words and the illustration of image. This included drawing and writing in any of its forms (calligraphy, drawing, collage, photography, painting, found objects) as well as analyzing drawn quotes, visual poetry, calligrams, emblems, conceptual art, logos, marks, signs, and symbols through the works of Magritte, Klee, Baldessari, Yoko Ono, Nicanor Parra, and George Brecht. Manuel Moranta was present in the entire process from the conceptualization to the production of works.

By a Head

What lies inside a square?

What is sculpture?

Shall we make a collage?

Not one, not two, but as many as seven heads came out of the hands of the participants in our first workshop held in April 2023. In the face of the success of the exhibition “By a Head” with the younger audience, the artists Pelucas Pilas Bubbles and Samuel Salcedo greeted their assistants and explained what it means to be an artist—the first from Guadalajara, Mexico, and the other from Barcelona. In the end, when you think that you can teach something to children, it’s always them who end up being the teachers.


On the 20th of January 2023, the “Baroque, from the image to the song” took place, a rhythmic lesson taken after some poems from Antía Otero’s latest book, making brief stops at the images que reside in them until coming in touch with the voice and songs of Faia Díaz.

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